Anti–Slavery Policy – 30th January 2024


Foxglove Energy Supply Limited (registration number 09689035) trading as Outfox the Market, is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our business operations and supply chain.

Foxglove Energy Supply Limited (FESL) was founded in 2017 with the goal to make the world of energy Honest, Fair and Simple.

Outfox the Market (OTM) is the principal company through which the energy operations run.

OTM’s Team

Outfox the Market is passionate about both – customers and employees. As of January 2024, we have more than 90 direct employees.

Nurturing our employees’ wellbeing is an aspect that we focus on. We have an Employee Engagement Committee that encourages communication as well as informal events for the benefit of creating a positive environment.

We welcome applications for employment from all individuals and remain committed to providing equal opportunities. We strive to recruit, advance, and treat individuals based solely on their merits and capabilities.


Our onboarding process emphasizes our business and personal principles, ensuring clarity for allstakeholders. We incorporate contractual provisions to outline our suppliers’ responsibilities and mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking.

Within our current portfolio, we assess the risk of encountering modern slavery or trafficking as low, given our focus on services and goods related to the energy industry or office environment. While processes vary across our group, we maintain confidence in their robustness to identify supply chain risks.

Despite our low–risk profile, we remain vigilant and maintain a zero–tolerance policy towards unethical behaviour related to slavery or human trafficking by our suppliers. We promptly and effectively address any potential risks to uphold the standards we expect.


We offer comprehensive training to our employees covering various compliance topics, including our stance on addressing risks related to modern slavery and human trafficking. Ensuring awareness of our compliance standards and strategies to mitigate identified risks is paramount to us. We are committed to ensuring that all employees, regardless of their position within the company, are well–informed about our compliance obligations and the measures we take to minimize risks.


Outfox the Market is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and human rights. We will continue to regularly review our due diligence and procurement processes for working with third parties.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Outfox the Market’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending June 2023.



Director and CEO

Outfox the Market

30th January 2024
